About the Awards
The Charity Transparency Award (CTA) and Charity Governance Awards (CGA) recognises charities that have adopted good transparency and governance standards. An initiative of the Charity Council, the awards aim to promote good transparency and governance in the charity sector by acknowledging the excellent work of charities, while inspiring others to emulate their best practices.
First launched in 2015, the Charity Transparency Framework (CTF) aimed to improve transparency and accountability in the charity sector. The CTF with its Charity Disclosure Scorecard acts as a guide to help charities take active steps to improve charity transparency. The scorecard also serves as a self-diagnostic tool for charities to assess themselves against identified good disclosures standards. It is not mandatory.
To qualify for the Charity Transparency Awards, charities must meet the following criteria:
- Be a registered charity and/or an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) which has been in operation in Singapore for at least three years;
- Have submitted their Annual reports (AR), Financial Statements (FS) and Governance Evaluation Checklist (GEC) on time for the two immediate preceding financial years; and
- Have gross annual receipts of not less than $50,000 in the immediate preceding financial year.
SNM has won the Charity Transparency Awards in 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 and remains committed to good governance practices.