FAQs on Admission to Nursing Home

An elderly person applying to stay in a nursing home must be:

  • Physically or mentally challenged because of illness;
  • Semi-mobile, using a wheelchair or is bedbound, and require medical and nursing care;
  • Unable to be cared for at home by family or paid domestic worker, and tried all other care options such as using day care, home medical, home nursing services etc.
  • Meet the Means Test Criteria and referred by Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), the central agency that processes all the applications to government-funded nursing home in Singapore.

At SNMNH, we strive to provide quality and affordable care for your loved ones. The basic cost ranges from $800 to $4,000 a month, depending on your eligibility for MOH subsidies.

There are additional charges, such as a refundable deposit, medical consultation, and other additional charges.

All MOH-subsidised admissions to nursing homes are done through the Agency of Integrated Care (AIC), a centralised government agency that manages the bed availability of all nursing homes in Singapore.

You can approach a Medical Social Worker at any of the public healthcare institutions to explore the various care options available. Once the assessment has been conducted, the Medical Social Worker will assist you to apply to AIC.