Thank You

10 October 2023

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In May 2018, my late uncle, Major (RETD) Ishwar Lall Singh set foot on the Sree Narayana Mission Home – this was a choice he made of his own volition after coming to the realisation that he needed help for his daily care.

His health and physical condition deteriorated – but one thing remained constant – his mental capacity and degree of awareness. In his final days, most specifically on the 29th of July, he blessed my wife on our wedding anniversary in the hospital – despite not being able to move his limbs. His last request included a drink of “Green Spot,” “char kway teow,” and carrot cake. Unfortunately, the “Green Spot” drink no longer exists, and I could only give him a taste of “Kickapoo.” His final days was a pain to watch; it seemed as if his soul had left his physical self. What was left was a shell of the man with a booming voice.

Throughout his life, he spoke with so much enthusiasm and energy of his time in the Singapore Armed Forces, the British Forces, the Malayan Army and, the Indian National Army and, shared stories and incidents which is etched in my memory. It was because of his military background and through his active involvement in the day-to-day affairs of the Mission Home, my uncle tried to introduce new initiatives and operating procedures – his intent was to streamline operations and make things optimal for everyone. He was never the sought that could keep still and remain silent. However, the best of intentions can sometimes cause tension – I am so sorry for this. I had to sometimes entertain many worried phone calls from your nurses and social welfare workers because of the endless demands of my uncle. Now that my uncle has moved on, I am sure he will not be forgotten. He was a unique and very colourful character!

His time in the Mission Home was made comfortable and his many needs, some of which were highly challenging were dutifully met by your staff. I believe he holds the Singapore record for the most number of visits to a hospital!

Sometimes, for the slightest of reasons. For so many reasons, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to you, Mr Devendran for making my uncle’s stay a really memorable one. He also knows most of the staff in the Mission Home and will always introduce them to me when I visit. And on behalf of my family, I would like to thank Ms Yoges, Ms Siew Bee Koo, Ms Jezsica Su, Mr Diks, Mr Avi, Mr Ramil, Mr Christopher, the Security Officers, the Finance and Accounting staff, and the list goes on and on…if only I am able to recall them all. Please forgive me if I am not able to name them all.

Your tasks can sometimes be very challenging, and you may sometimes question why you are doing what you do. But please do remember this – your role in the Mission Home is a truly noble one. Thank you for everything you have done for my uncle as well as the many sick and lonely senior folks. Your actions have motivated me to seriously consider a role in social work at some point in the near future.

I will now no longer receive a call from the Mission Home – late in the nights, early in the mornings or in the midst of a meeting. It will leave a big gap in my life. But whenever I am in Yishun, I know that I will be driving by the Mission Home with a smile on my face.

Thank you very much for caring for my uncle and May Almighty GOD bless all of you for your good deeds.


Yours sincerely

Mahipal Singh


Sree Narayana Mission (Singapore) Pte.

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